How to choose a suit? Do you know the difference between double-opening and single-opening?

How to choose a suit? Do you know the difference between double-opening and single-opening?

Whether it is custom-made suits or purchase of ready-to-wear suits, there are many places to pay attention to, and the opening of the back the hem of the suit is a detail that many people who are used to wearing suits easily overlook, and it is not clear what is the difference between the types of openings. Of course, I don't know which way to open the most suitable for myself. Therefore, the following will take you to know the three types of suits, and after you understand the truth, you will be able to choose the style that suits you best.

Men's suits are divided into the following three ways. After the middle opening, side opening, and no opening.

Differences in the way men's suits are opened

It is said that the double-opening is to facilitate the British to ride horses, and some people say that Italians like to open their own. But if you want to wear a very slim suit, it is strongly recommended to double-open. Because the slim suit is not open, it will make the suit hem tightly wrapped around your hips, and it looks like wearing a cheongsam. If the very slim suit is a single slit, the bottom of the slit is likely to split. If you don't like the feeling of splitting, then do double-opening. Especially if you often insert your pockets, you can choose double-opening, because when you put your trouser pockets, it looks better and more convenient when you look at the back.

Different opening options will also affect the appearance of the overall clothes.

1.Single opening

The single-opening also called the riding raft, is a 10 cm long slit that is opened below the midline of the men's suit. It originated from the style of the back of the British aristocrats when they were riding horses without the squeezing of the lower back of the clothes. The length of the middle opening is usually between 8 and 10 inches. In the 1960s, fashion has been popular for 6 inches long. Single-opening is often seen in the US version of the suit, and the European version is rarely in the formal dress. In fact, a single-open suit is easy to disobey as a formal suit, and the self-cultivation effect is not good, which always gives the feeling that the suit does not fit.

single open suit

2. Double opening

Also called double-opening is the side opening that you said. It is a seam of more than 10 cm long from the waistline at the position where the left and right blades are sewn in the suit. It is also another style that is derived from the British aristocrats who are riding or sitting down without the squeezing of the lower part of the garment. Like the middle cymbal, the length of the side slits is usually 8 to 10 inches, but the length varies with fashion trends. The 6-inch opening was not uncommon in the 1960s, and in the 1970s and early 1980s, the length of 13 inches deep was also popular. It may not be so formal when it is more than 10 inches, but it is part of the charisma. The double-opening is more functional than the single-opening. The double-opening is like two structural lines. It can modify the body shape, and at the same time, it can make people have more space for movement and visually appear thinner.

double open suit

3. No opening

No open coats were most relevant to Italian clothing, and Italians did make unopened coats in the 1950s and from the late 1980s to the early The 2000s. There is no conventional style of the above-mentioned open style, and there is no open style in the position of the left and right seams of the suit and the middle seam of the back. Unopened suits are almost extinct, and only occasionally appear on custom-made suits. Although the uncultivated appearance may be the most attractive, due to its simple, clean outline. But when you sit down or put your hand into your pocket, the jacket is prone to wrinkles, so it's not recommended for practical use.

no open suit

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